As the state's independent, lead police agency, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation works to ensure the public safety and security of Tennessee, in collaboration with key policing partners, through the use of advanced tools and strategies to prevent, investigate, and resolve crimes throughout the state.


maria cutshaw
TBI Special Agent
"TBI is a great agency to work for and for so many reasons. It begins with quality leadership and filters down from there. TBI is a very flexible and family-friendly agency to work for. TBI understands the importance of family first and I believe that is a huge asset when looking for an employer."

chris trice
TBI Special Agent
"Individuals should consider working at TBI because each day you are working for something greater than yourself and each day TBI employees use their time, talents, and skills to ensure that guilt shall not escape."

Yeselin Pendleton
TBI Assistant Director, CJIS Division
"TBI has been an amazing place to build my career. I've seen, first-hand, how we invest in employees, train them to take on new challenges, and open doors to advancement. I can't imagine working anywhere else."

tom butler
Business Solutions Architect
"People should consider a job with TBI because of the family feel of the agency combined with the critical work we do in public safety. Being able to support our front-line agents in the work that they do to protect and serve the citizens of Tennessee is incredibly rewarding."

richard moore
TBI Assistant Director, Adminstrative Services Division
"We are dedicated and committed to remaining on the cutting edge of combating violent crime. We believe in providing the essential tools and resources for our employees in order for them to perform their duties effectively and be successful."

rebekah cloud
TBI Assistant Special Agent In Charge
"My fellow employees are more like family than coworkers. We keep up with each other's lives and kids and share joys as well as sorrows. My supervisors and coworkers encourage me to do better in work and at home, continue training to better myself, and to advance my career."

katy pendergrass
TBI Special Agent
"The TBI has opened so many doors for me. If you apply yourself and work hard, there will be people there who will support you as an employee and encourage you to continue your career with the TBI."

TBI Police Officer
“I have formed relationships with employees from all departments and we truly are like one big family. The opportunity for learning and training is always open and available to anyone wanting to sharpen their skillset and better serve the citizens of Tennessee."

forrest edens
TBI Special Agent
"There's nothing abstract about it when I say that I am part of an organization that makes our community safer, I see that in action every single day. I feel more supported and respected at TBI than I have working for any other organization."

Cathy ferguson
TBI Special Agent
"The TBI is the premier law enforcement agency in the state, and to be a member of this organization is an honor. We treat each other like family, and we appreciate the effort each person (sworn and civilian) makes to bettering Tennessee."

jim scarbro
TBI Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
"TBI works with so many different agencies and departments that our impact and influence is all over the State of Tennessee. People should consider a career with TBI if they desire a challenging career that leaves them with a feeling of pride and satisfaction in helping people."

jaqueya ogilvie
TBI Special Agent/Forensic Scientist
"I think you can tell from our leadership and the people that work here, that we value family. You aren't just another name and number here. I work with some of the best people, and I love the work that I do. It's not often that you find that combination in the workplace."

nathan neese
TBI Assistant Special Agent In Charge
"I would say the confidence and trust put into an agent makes you truly feel capable of doing great things. Your thoughts and ideas are valued, making it a great place to build a career."

bailey hartman
TBI Special Agent/Forensic Scientist
"While not every case has a happy ending, knowing that we are solving crimes and bringing about justice is an incredible feeling. Having been personally affected by the impact that homicide leaves on a family, I wake up every morning grateful for what I do."

krystin bandy
Intelligence Analyst
"My reason for wanting to work for TBI was to make a difference in this state. Those who are looking for their calling should look at the benefits of the work being done, not just the benefits of being an employee."

Andy corbitt
TBI Special Agent In Charge
“The TBI has a time honored legacy of being a leader in the law enforcement community. The reason is due to the many great people, past and present,
that are passionate and have an unwavering dedication to the work they do each day.”
We offer salary and benefits packages designed to reward both an employee's commitment and their job performance.
We prioritize employee wellbeing -- mind, body, and soul -- with a thoughtful variety of services and vital programs.
We further employee work-life balance with generous paid time off and sick leave accruals, along with parental and military leave.
We help employees chart a bold course for their career with mentoring, leadership development, and networking opportunities.
In line with other state agencies, our open positions post on the Tennessee Department of Human Resources website.
Click the 'Get Started' link above, select 'External Candidates' under the 'Apply Here' tab and filter results by 'TBI' to see our open positions and more application information.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation was born as a result of a highly-publicized murder in Greene County in December of 1949. The heinous crime aroused the emotions of citizens throughout the region. In an address to the Tennessee Press Association in January of 1951, John M. Jones, Sr., publisher of the Greeneville Sun, called for the creation of an unbiased state agency to assist local law enforcement in the investigation of serious crimes.
On March 14, 1951, Governor Gordon Browning signed a bill into law establishing the Tennessee Bureau of Criminal Identification (TBCI) as the "plainclothes" division of the Department of Safety. On March 27, 1980, following a series of legislative hearings, the organization was re-established as an independent agency and renamed the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI).
Since that time, the Bureau has grown significantly, and continues to meet the demands of providing up-to-date investigative, forensic science, and support to Tennessee’s entire criminal justice system.

Pursuant to the State of Tennessee’s Workplace Discrimination and Harassment policy, the State is firmly committed to the principle of fair and equal employment opportunities for its citizens and strives to protect the rights and opportunities of all people to seek, obtain, and hold employment without being subjected to illegal discrimination and harassment in the workplace. It is the State’s policy to provide an environment free of discrimination and harassment of an individual because of that person’s race, color, national origin, age (40 and over), sex, pregnancy, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status or any other category protected by state and/or federal civil rights laws.